// Program

Workshop Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00 Maximum capacity: 12 participants, for Black women* and girls* and women* and girls* of Color approx. 15 years and above In this workshop we will learn strategies and techniques of „feminist self-defense“. We will get to know our strength, question (role) attributions and try …

Reading Friday, 19:30 – 21:30 The award-winning first novel of Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey tells the story of Belliqueuse Louissaint. When she attempts an illegal crossing of the Caribbean Sea from Haiti to the United States, the boat almost turns over and she loses her little son. She returns to Port-au-Prince …

Reading Saturday, 16:45 – 18:00 Haymatlos is home to biographies, emotions and poems from different perspectives. Poets come together in a volume of poems to make their poetry on experiences of racism, stories of migration and family history and the longing for „normality“ accessible to the public. The poems …

Workshops Friday, 9:30 – 12:30 2 Workshops for 16 participants each Toys, books, songs, spatial or organizational arrangements—who or what is considered socially „different“ is extensively made clear to children already in their first years of life. Physical characteristics, gender, form of family or skills become (among other distinctions) …

Workshop Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00 Workshop in English. Maximum capacity: 25 participants. Only for refugees “S.A.E” refers to “seeking Asylum in Europe”. Where can people who are newcomers to German society find support? Who can be trusted in different fields like health, politics, culture and social affairs? What are …

Panel discussion Friday, 13:00 – 15:00 Discussion in English Migration and racism are global phenomena but societies and people deal with it in different ways. What are current debates on immigration and emigration in Malawi, Great Britain and Poland? Which images and stories do they produce? What is the …

Workshop Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00 Maximum capacity: 20 participants Classism means structural, cultural and individual discrimination because of social status. It is directed at members of the working class and people who live in poverty. This workshop offers different exercises to uncover the mechanisms of discrimination and talk about …

Yoga Freitag, 6:50 – 8:30 Drop-In-Session with Noah Sow. Registration is not necessary (but punctuality is). We are not able to control our irritating environment. However we can learn to center ourselves to overcome day-to-day life challenges, hardships and struggles. This class presents Indian relaxing rituals which can be …

Panel discussion Friday, 16:30 – 18:30 We invited six guests to talk about Critical Whiteness. They all work on strategies to fight racism but because of their perspectives, positions, approaches, theoretical backgrounds and experiences they have different views on the topic. Together we would like to address the issue …

Concert Thursday, 19:30 On September 21, 2018 after producing three EPs Camufingo published his first album „Ombanji“ on which he processed past and present, memories and visions, pain and relieve. „Ombanji“is guiding us to a confident and self-determined future, using Conscious Rap on Boom Bap and Trap Beats. His …

Comic book reading and talk Saturday, 19:30 – 20:45 Vienna during the 1970s. Long before Hi Tech made in Korea, Kimchi hype and „Gangnam Style“, the first Korean nurses came to Austria as „guest workers“ („Gastarbeiterinnen“). Vina Yuns Homestories follows the traces of this almost unknown (hi)story of migration. …

Workshop Friday, 9:30 – 12:30 Workshop for 18 participants The alarming proportions of racism and organized right-wing violence carried out by the NSU are often kept quit about. This workshop gives an overview about „ racism as terror, structure and attitude“ and points out blank spaces and resistance. It …

Opening of the Exhibition Thursday, 18:50 How can we encourage one another while making us feel noted and appreciated? In her illustrations @decolonial_killjoy looks into the subjects of community, belonging, spirituality and healing of queer Black & Indigenous People and People of Color. The series is based on interviews …

Concert & Party Saturday, 21:00 Ebow / 22:30 Nadia Tehran / 23:30 – 3:00 Party with Bad&Boujee Ebow attracted attention for the first time with guerilla gigs in the area around Munich‘s Bahnhofsviertel, performing in laundromats, supermarkets or on the tram. Followed by numerous gigs on more conventional stages. …

Workshop Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00 Maximum capacity: 15 participants, only people who are affected by racism Here comes the famous gut feeling…Would we giggle in a moment where we encounter racism? Answering anything but what we consider the „right thing“ to say? Or just walk away, leaving the racists …

Workshop Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00 Debates around the headscarf, protests against building mosques, public discussions about muslim refugees, the constant entanglement of Islam and terrorism – antimuslim racism is socially acceptable. Muslims, or people who are considered to be muslim have to bear the consequences of these developments. What …

Paneldiscussion Sunday, 12:30 – 14:00 Communities of Color have to deal with various types of discrimination, which in addition to old stereotypes always take on new “contemporary” expressions. Our guests are active in self-organized groups and communities in Lower Saxony. What does their political activism have to do with …
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