Reading and Talk
Saturday, 13:45 – 16:15
Listening as a political act – that was one of the central messages of the NSU tribunal. Ayşe Güleç, activist of the “Initiative 6 April” and co-organizer of the NSU tribunal, will explain the significance of this demand for a process of social transformation. In a many-voiced reading of direct quotes of the victims and relatives, we will hear about the attack after the attack. About the experiences that relatives of the NSU victims and people affected by the bombings made, being criminalized by racist investigation authorities and the media. What were the consequences for their lives? Finally, Ibrahim Arslan, victim and survivor of the racist attacks of Mölln in 1992 and activist will talk with victims of racist terror and their relatives about their experiences, assessments, wishes and demands, as well as the need for strong victim positions beyond their assigned minor role.